Tuesday, April 14, 2009


There are so many ways to give, one can give with money, items, and time to name the most obvious. I believe we live in interesting times where some have so much and others have so little. Which I guess could be said of any time period. What seperates the haves from the have nots? Is it geography? Work ethic? Lineage? Politics? I hope to explore some of these and more as I venture forward.

I also wanted to start this blog to highlight the generosity I feel in my life, a sort of forum to stop and acknowledge all that I have been given and have been blessed with. Lastly, as a way to keep in touch with all the amazing ways that people find to give to one another.

In a crazy world where many people have many different needs, it can be daunting to think of how and what conditions people exist. And also inspiring as some people are able to find the joy of life in unique circumstances.

A friend of mine sent me this You Tube video so I will launch my first entry with this video.